LD 1810 | No Fast Track | Citizen Trade Policy Commission | Governor
Welcome! This website is an archived version of the orginal Maine Fair Trade Campaign Website. Some links may no longer function. Temporary Link to LD725 Talking Points
New Release: Please take action on the Peru Free Trade Agreement Today
2008 Presidential Candidate positions on new trade agreements
MFTC releases statement on Peru & Panama Free Trade Agreements.
Most current PERU free trade agreement statements:
-Senator Susan Collins: 202-224-2523 : Fax: 202-228-5818
-Senator Olympia Snowe: 202-224-1946 : Fax:202-224-1946 (yes)
-Representative Tom Allen (CD1): 202-225-6116 : Fax 202-225-5590(no)
-Representative Mike Michaud(CD2): 202-225-2943 : Fax 202-225-2943(no)
LD 1810, The Informed Growth Act signed by the Governor.
- Learn More, the public hearing , press release on legislative victory, a reaffirmation of the quality of life in Maine.
Global Warming and Trade Agreements
-View CA.State Alternative Fuels Plans (scroll to pdf"StateAlternativeFuelsPlan" Ch8)
Domestic Regulation Memo ("Energy and climate", page 3)
MFTC draft for Nov 3 National Day of Climate Action: 3 key priorities
Biofuels and developing international standards (10 minute QuickTime movie)
MFTC's " Fast Track" Campaign.
"FAST TRACK? TIME TO GO!", View a coast to coast Maine-Oregon FairTrade Collaborative Movie. (10 min.)
FAST TRACK has NOT been renewed- a watershed moment for global movement and a great victory for Fair Trade Advocates..
Fast Track is an outdated procedural rule that locks Congress and the public out of trade negotiations. Under Fast Track, Congress hands its Constitutional authority to set trade policy over to the executive branch. Fast Track has enabled trade agreements that have hurt Maine workers, communities and democracy, it expired on June 30, 2007.
. The Maine legislature has passed a unanimous resolution about Fast Track. Read MFTC's press release about passage of the resolution. MFTC also helped 51 Maine organizations sign a national letter,( signed by 713 organizations) regarding Fast Track.
We will continue to urge Maine's Congressional delegation to work for fair trade policies that support working persons, local businesses, our environment and democracy. (View the Maine Senate resolution movie)
Thank you for making the forum May 11, 2006 in Lewiston a success, summary of testimony
Governor Baldacci .. Maine Jobs, Services & Democracy and the GATS!
On April 5, 2006, Maine Governor John Baldacci protected Maine jobs, public services and democracy by requesting that Maine be taken out of key parts of the WTO's General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). The GATS, one of several trade agreements included within the WTO, would work to
privatize public services, hurt public sector workers, & undermine our
democracy. Read Governor Baldacci's GATS letter to USTR. Related Press Release released by MFTC. On May 2006, the US Trade Representative wrote a letter responding to the Governor's request to withdraw Maine. On August 7, 2006 Governor Baldacci sent a strong response back to the US Trade Representative restating serious concerns about the GATS.
Governor Baldacci safeguards Maine purchasing policies from trade deals!
On March 20, 2006, Maine Governor John Baldacci removed Maine from the procurement list of the Andean and Panama trade agreements. This important act protects Maine's ability to use state purchasing to promote labor rights, environmental sustainability and human rights. Read Governor Baldacci's procurement letter to USTR.
Three governors express concerns about GATS in a March 30, 2007 letter.
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Maine Citizen Trade Policy Commission
The Maine Citizen Trade Policy Commission, created by the Maine Jobs, Trade & Democracy Act, is now up and running. A presentation by the Forum on Democracy and Trade examined some trade agreement restrictions on government's ability to act on behalf of public interest. (See letter of National Conference of State Legislatures, and concern shared by Governor Baldacci over prescription drug issues.) Governor Baldacci also raised concerns about current negotiations in new trade agreements and their impact on Maine workers, the environment and our democracy in a recent letter written to the United States Trade Representative(USTR). The
Contract to assess the impact of international trade on Maine BluePrint for the legislature is now available. |

MCTPC Annual Review |
The commission established three working subcommittees which analyze how Maine policies and economy in: healthcare, labor/economic development, environment/natural resources could be impacted; actively communicate questions, findings, concerns and policy recommendations to the Maine legislature, the US Trade Representative's office(USTR), our Congressional delegation, national associations; and educate policymakers and the public.
The first MCTPC public hearing(press release )
was held on: CAFTA and other trade issues
(Read report, and testimony back from Feb 3-First
Commission public hearing) 2005 Feb 3 in
Bangor. These public hearings are meant to serve as a forum for the public to share
its concerns, real life stories, questions and recommendations about trade issues. The second public hearing on CAFTA was held Tuesday April 19 in Portland .(Read
report back from second Commission public hearing.) (Testimony, Report) Thank you for bringing
the voices of Fair Trade and
of Labor to the table! The most recent forum was held May 11, 2006 in Lewiston.
Top of Page
Written testimony that was submitted is available.
FAST TRACK Peter Riggs - summarizes upcoming Fast Track during Maine legislator's orientation week Jan 2007 in Portland, USM(videostream)
GATS:(General Agreement on Trade in Services) Members of the US Congress expressed concern about GATS negotiations during WTO, Hong Kong Ministerial(Dec 13,2005 letter to USTR)
The.Maine Fair Trade Campaign, intent that ongoing trade treaty negotiations do no harm to Maine's democratically enacted laws and that policy flexibility be safeguarded , is engaged in anticipating which service sectors are impacted and how they might be protected from trade treaty challenge- including distribution services(retail stores), health care services, education/library services, energy(LNG),public sector workers/post office, environment/local zoning/water, and gambling service sector (and those related measures/laws that affect these services..) List of Services to be negotiated. QTMovie:What is GATS?
GATS and Public Health: Rep Allen - GATS and public health policy letter How US pressures other countries in Distribution Services and how that impacts public health.