
The NO CAFTA Campaign

The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) is a regional trade agreement between the United States and 6 Central American countries – El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. The agreement was approved by 2 votes in the US Congress on July 28,2005. Small business weighed in on CAFTA.

PLEASE CALL Maine’s Congressional delegation and thank them for voting No on CAFTA. We need trade agreements that protect workers' right, protect environmental and public health standards, public services, and democracy.

    Senator Susan Collins:202-224-5344 DC1 800-432-1599 letter (Opposed)

    Senator Olympia Snowe: 202-224-2523 letter (Opposed CAFTA)

    Representatives Tom Allen and Mike Michaud opposed CAFTA.

-Trade-Related Manufacturing Job Losses

-Maine Mothers and Women Against CAFTA
Campaign launched May 6,2005. How does CAFTA impact women?

MCTPC press release - and CAFTA statement